Hire Blockchain Developers Globally

Blockchain technology is projected to open more than 40 million jobs globally by 2030. With a growing demand for blockchain software developers, it’s high time you started looking for the best talent worldwide. Close the skills gap in your project and speed up your outreach with Bridge as your tech-enabled hiring partner.

Why partner with Bridge?

Bridge combines automation with local touch to make your recruitment faster and more effective. We work with tech-savvy recruiters to reach out to candidates with personalized messages. And our proprietary sourcing engine makes your outreach 5 times faster than manual sourcing.

Suitable time zone

We help acquire tech specialists on three continents, so you don’t have to worry about time zone differences.

Data-driven sourcing

We source candidates from different hiring sites (LinkedIn, GitHub, StackOverflow) while you close the requisitions.

Local recruiters

Bridge works with local hiring specialists to make global recruitment more effective and culturally tailored.

Transparent expenses

Your hiring expenses are 100% clear and transparent. We charge a monthly fee for our services.

No-hassle campaign management

You can manage every aspect of your global hiring campaigns using Bridge web platform.


By engaging engineers from foreign markets, you can find the needed talent and save up to 60% of costs.

From job requisitions to interviews – manage global hiring effortlessly using our platform

Acquire blockchain developers with the expertise you need

With our access to a vast tech talent pool on three continents, we can help you find blockchain engineers for your project really fast. If you need to scale your software development team later, we can help you do it.

Blockchain core development

Hire blockchain core developers to develop and maintain the architecture of blockchain systems. Tell us your requirements and we will start searching the market for candidates.

Blockchain software development

Acquire blockchain software developers to create decentralized apps that offer enhanced traceability and improved security of data and transactions.

Smart contract development

Find and recruit smart contract developers to create architecture for your new or existing software product that uses a blockchain and smart contracts.

NFT marketplace development

Get blockchain developers who have expertise in building NFT marketplaces. If you need other engineers for your project, we can help you find them too.

What we do

hire dedicated kotlin developers

Bridge or blockchain developer outsourcing – which to choose?

Outsourcing software development is another option to get external tech talent for your blockchain project. But will it be more advantageous than partnering with Bridge? Let’s see the comparison in the chart below. 




Global talent pool, you choose where to hire.

Custom-recruited developers based on your needs and culture.

You know your developers' actual pay.

Complete decision-making power on developer seniority.

Developers loyal to you, tightly integrated into your team and culture.

Flexible subscription model for tech talent sourcing.

Up to 30 pre-vetted candidates per month.

Smooth collaboration, facilitated by a web platform.

How much does hiring blockchain developers cost?

Use our budget calculator to learn the salaries of software engineers in our remote locations.

Need other engineers?

Check out who else we can help you hire.

Hire data scientists

Hire ML experts

Hire web developers

Hire software developers

Frequently asked questions

We’ve collected some commonly asked questions about hiring blockchain developers. If you haven’t found the answer to your question, please send us an email, and we’ll reply to you within a business day.

Yes, you can hire only one software developer for your project with Bridge. It entirely depends on your project requirements and you can hire more developers later with us, if you need.

Let us know about the problem and we will help you deal with it. If the compromise can’t be found, you can give your engineer a notice period and choose to fire them after it ends. We will start searching for a new developer when needed.

An average base salary for a blockchain developer in the US is $136,000 per year, with a low base salary of $70,000 and a high base salary of $200,000. In Europe, a blockchain earns $73,300 per year and in Asia $87,500 per year.

Usually, remote specialists adapt to the schedule of your in-house team, so you don't need to worry about it. With us, you can hire engineers from countries with suitable time zones on three continents (take a look at our locations) to have the minimum time difference.

Send us a request by email. We will contact you shortly to discuss your requirements and arrange our next steps.

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