Hire Data Engineers and Data Scientists

Looking to hire data engineers and data scientists for your project? With Bridge as your partner, you don’t need to pay for expensive data science consulting services. We will help you hire data engineers with the needed expertise from global tech markets at a competitive price.

Hire data scientists globally with Bridge

Instead of outsourcing data engineering to a third-party vendor, you can build your own team with the most talented data scientists fully committed to your project. Bridge will handle the tedious sourcing and hiring processes, letting you fully focus on your product.

Loyal data science experts

Hire top data scientists tightly integrated into your team. They will work just like your in-house employees, from any location.

Reduced time-to-fill

With our 80% automated sourcing process, you can start getting the first candidates much faster compared to manual sourcing.

Global hiring

With Bridge, you can find tech talent on any continent, including popular destinations like Latin America and Eastern Europe.


Sourcing tech talent with Bridge is considerably cheaper than hiring internally or using recruitment agencies.

Effortless collaboration

Manage your hiring campaigns using our web platform – it’s the secret sauce to our speed, scale, and customer-friendly service.

Tech-savvy recruiters

We work with recruiters who understand technology and can speak with candidates in their native language.

Plug into our platform to seamlessly submit your hiring requests and manage your recruitment campaigns

Find data scientists with the expertise you need

We have access to an extensive pool of talent from different countries, making it easy for you to find experts proficient in data science, data engineering, and machine learning.

Python and R

From data manipulation and cleaning to statistical computing and analysis, Bridge can help you hire top-tier Python or R engineers for your data science project.


Based on your specific project needs, Bridge connects you with coders well-versed in the effective handling, organization, and retrieval of data, structured or unstructured.

Deep learning

Build predictive models, speech recognition algorithms, fraud detection tools, and more ‒ Bridge can help you hire skilled engineers specialized in deep learning.

Data visualization

Find data engineers who can design dashboards and reports using the most popular data visualization tools, like Tableau, Zoho Analytics, and Microsoft Power BI.

Data manipulation

With Bridge, you can effortlessly hire data engineers capable of implementing ETL processes to extract data from various sources and transform it.

Machine learning

Bridge can help you get data scientists with strong knowledge of ML algorithms and proficiency in leading ML libraries, like TensorFlow, scikit-learn, and PyTorch.

Big Data

Partner with Bridge to find and hire developers familiar with distributed computing frameworks like Apache Hadoop and Spark for handling large-scale datasets.

Statistical knowledge

Hire engineers who understand key statistical concepts and can think critically when applying data to address business challenges and shape data-driven decisions.

  • Python, R, JavaScript, SQL, C/C++, Java, Scala
Frameworks and libraries
  • TensorFlow, scikit-learn, Keras, Pandas, Spark MLib, PyTorch, Matplotlib, NumPy, spaCy, NLTK, OpenCV
AI models
  • GPT-4, GPT-3, GPT-3.5, LLaMA, Whisper

What data science and engineering skills do you need to be looking for?

On the left, there is a list of skills you need to consider when hiring data engineers and data scientists. You can also check out our guide with recommendations on hiring data experts below.

Hire remote data engineers or source the needed candidates at scale

hire dedicated kotlin developers

Hire data scientists with Bridge vs partner with outsourcing vendors. What to choose?

You can always sign a data science consulting agreement and have your solution developed by third-party companies. But is this the safest option? Compare Bridge with outsourcing providers to make an informed decision.




Global talent pool, you choose where to hire.

Custom-recruited developers based on your needs and culture.

You know your developers' actual pay.

Complete decision-making power on developer seniority.

Developers loyal to you, tightly integrated into your team and culture.

Flexible subscription model for tech talent sourcing.

Up to 30 pre-vetted candidates per month.

Smooth collaboration, facilitated by a web platform.

How much does it cost to build a data engineering team?

Use our budget calculator to learn the salaries of software engineers in our remote locations.

Looking to hire data science developers?

Check out who else we can help you hire.

Hire R programmers

Hire Python developers

Hire machine learning engineers

Hire SQL developers

Frequently asked questions

Here you can find some answers about hiring data engineers and data scientists. If your question isn’t here, please, send us an email, and we will get back to you within a business day.

Whether you need one data engineer or a whole data science team, Bridge can help you with that. We source engineers across three continents and can help you find as many specialists as you currently need.

Although we source candidates in 14 countries located in different time zones, we’re sure it’s not a problem at all. Using modern tools, like Slack, Google Calendar, Google Meet, Jira, and others, remote developers can easily adjust their schedules to your working hours.

At Bridge, we don’t stick to a specific number, meaning that everything is based on your business needs. The difference between Bridge and software development companies is that we don’t provide developers to build projects but source them from global job markets to be fully dedicated to your project.

Of course. When you feel that your project requires some additional workforce (for instance, you need to hire Snowflake developers), you can reach out to us to discuss the requirements so that we can start your next hiring campaign.

With Bridge, the recruitment process is effortless for you. Create job requisitions, review candidates’ profiles, schedule interviews, provide feedback, and more ‒ you remain in full control of the hiring campaign using our client-only web platform.

We source candidates across three continents, including such popular hiring destinations as Mexico, Brazil, Poland, Ukraine, Portugal, and more. With Bridge, you get access to the global talent pool while saving time and resources.

Send us a request by email. We will contact you shortly to discuss your requirements and arrange our next steps.

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